Friday, July 11, 2008

~~Break it up~~

Every relationship has its ups and downs. You have a good time together and sometimes you have bad ones. It's when bad ones seems to get more frequent that you wonder if you should get out of the relationship. Of course, some of us hang in there and hope for the best but sometimes, like ripping off a band-aid, ending it quickly is probably less painful in the long run. If your relationship is showing any of these signs, then maybe its time for you to cut your losses and move on.

When you first got together, you planned your dates excitedly; wondering what to do and where to go. Now, u cant even be bothered to make a date. All you do is just hang out and watch TV or pop in a DVD and vegetate on the couch. That does not make for a passionate relationship. If you are stuck in this rut and cant be bothered to do anything about it-the magic is gone.

You used to want to spend every waking moment with your partner and rejoiced whenever the two of you were unexpectedly free to get together. Now though, you find yourself wanting to spend time by yourself or maybe getting together with your friends instead of seeing your partner. Its fine if you want a little time apart but if you are at the stage where you dont want to tell him or her that you are free and make up some fictitious appointment to avoid seeing him or her, then you have a major problem.

Everyone fights, no matter how well you get along most of the time. But when your fights start to get donwright dirty, mean and spiteful, it is when you should start to wonder if you are in the right relationship with the right person. Sometimes things are said that cant be taken back.

You used to find everything about him or her adorable but now almost everything your partner does just annoys or angers you. The charming laugh now is just grating.

It is very sad when a relationship starts to go sour but when a person starts bringing out the worst in you, its a sign that all is not well and its time to go. Dont get stuck in a dead-end relationship because you are hoping for things to change. If things have gotten this bad, the chances of the situation improving are very slim. But then again, each couple is different so if you think u stand a fighting chance, then give it a go. Good luck to those out there.


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